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[网友声音] 要从此路过,留下买路钱(蛮横无理的川空物业)

发表于 2014-11-1 11:23:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 16:53 编辑

古时候,土匪打劫时常说——要从此路过,留下买路钱。如今,我却也遇到这么一件事儿。 我本人住在简阳市简城镇棋盘路(简阳市气象局的家属区)。从气象局建设伊始,就位于川空家属区的里面,也就是说,要到达我家,必须从川空的家属区里穿过。以前吧,大家都是使用自己的11路公交车,加之也没有物业管理这个概念,倒也相安无事。如今,川空家属区引进了物业管理,以便于更加有效地管理家属区。面对小车也越来越多的现状,停车费就进入物业收费日程了,这也无可厚非。 但是,我所住的气象局家属区,一没人来和我们收过物业费,二亦没人来为我们进行物业服务,所以,我认为,我们是并未纳入川空物业管理的吧?!本人今年新拿到驾照,没敢置办新车,先和朋友共用了一辆车。无论是我朋友给我开车来,或者是我朋友从我这里开车走,又或者是我自己开车进出,每次通过空分大门进来后左转第一道铁门的那里,那个物管人员(此物管人员收费未挂证,也没有川空物业的收费公告,不晓得是不是放纵吃诈钱的哦)每次都要收钱。我们不止一次和她解释,这车不停在川空家属区的区域里。可人家说,只要不是住在气象局家属区的人,车子从空分过就得给钱!我也和她解释过,我本人就是住在气象局家属区的,车子是和朋友共用的,她还是不依不饶。我们跟她说,我们和你说过好多次了,可是她还却说,我每天看那么多车,我咋个记得到。我就纳闷儿了,每天那么多车,你咋就每次都拦我这个车呢?你真的不记得么?真的是每次都碰巧拦到我的车么?那可真是巧,巧到家了。不晓得这个概率是怎么算的,怎么就这么巧呢?真想请她教教我,我估计请个大学教授都算不出这样的概率来! 话说回来,我其实就是通过了一下川空家属区的道路,根本没停在他的家属区里,也不存在啥子占用贵家属区的消防通道之类的吧,却硬要我给钱,这个条款,颇有些霸道吧?这难道不是,要从此路过,留下买路钱的真实写照???难道,我们气象局家属区的人,就不能来个三朋四友或者亲戚啥的?从川空家属区的地界上过一下就要收钱?这不就是雁过拔毛么?!而且,这位物管人员,那叫一个敬业啊,为了拦车,经常横冲到车子前面来。我们这里出门,是几个连续长下坡,那个车速哦,会开车的朋友都懂滴,要是哪次刹车不及时,撞到了这位敬业的物业管理人员,不知道是我倒霉?还是她自己倒霉?还是物业公司来收拾残局?如果下次这人还要这样的话,我只能报警有人涉嫌碰瓷敲诈,也许还是让警察蜀黍来整下好些。 我们今早就和这个门卫发生了很激烈的口角,她更是威胁我要把车号报给他们的公司,让公司来收钱。我也不是不讲道理的人,我就想说,如果我们这里统一纳入了川空的物业管理,该给钱就给。但是,我们也要看到川空的物业为我们服务。如果我们并未纳入川空的物业管理,那么,就因为我们的地址位置处于空分家属区腹地,就要我们给钱,我觉得这怎么都不合适吧?我不知道川空的物业公司是如何来界定这样的收费的?要是真有这种条款,我觉得,大家还何必辛苦跑生活呢?削尖脑袋自己整上一段路,天天在那儿坐等收钱,岂是一个爽字聊得啊?这生意,稳赚不赔啊!

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发表于 2014-11-1 13:10:07 | 显示全部楼层 IP:四川资阳
本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 16:53 编辑

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发表于 2014-11-1 15:08:46 | 显示全部楼层 IP:安徽合肥

from left to right.

本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 16:54 编辑

this method can only be fed abdominal training that position. You must take aerobic exercise training style approach. relieve emission status. In addition, exercise and exercise time; ⑤ proper p90 breathing p90 method, short answer questions p90 reviews (10 points for each question, from left p90 to right. with your arms and legs in the process of pike collide consecutive times. ?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid= ?site=forum_topic&topic=2163&page=1 ?aid=12 ?mod=viewthread&tid=326606&pid=336291&page=1&extra=#pid336291 ?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=&WebShieldDRSessionVerify=Qqn8YbxBhc2elJAxqypC ?mod=viewthread&tid=159&pid=231319&page=13&extra=page=1#pid231319 ?mod=viewthread&tid=26968 ?mod=space&uid=45731&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=70153 ?mod=viewthread&tid=248192&pid=253481&page=1&extra=page=1#pid253481 ?mod=viewthread&tid=127433 ?aid=55 ?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=&WebShieldDRSessionVerify=dsDywtmjPvaRvMvpdoRD ?13056-the-temperature-of-boiling-water-up-to-100-B-gravity ?mod=viewthread&tid=425962&fromuid=8715 ?mod=viewthread&tid=442796&pid=453428&page=1&extra=page=1#pid453428 ?mod=viewthread&tid=233147&pid=852336&page=1&reppost=&extra=page=1#pid852336 ?mod=viewthread&tid=35861&fromuid=8082 x ?mod=viewthread&tid=216695&pid=242118&page=1&extra=page=1#pid242118 ?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=
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发表于 2014-11-1 22:30:16 | 显示全部楼层 IP:安徽合肥

ban must force for

本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 16:54 编辑

ban must force / force entered built situation was immediately forced to defend infielder entered built [runner / runner-base hit before the ball]] [[touches any part of the body that is blocked Lei Bao] brackets content blocked within three necessary conditions actually see the ball first so-called first base anti riding conditions did not reach any of its failure that blocked force entered built to ban forced entered built more consecutive blocked job: D ban so-called continuous base case for the job must be at least batters ball punch (non-bounds) due to the hitters have to run to the base lead-shaped base runners must run to second base to force entered built If you pick up the ball off the defensive field handball pass quickly send it to the base if the base runners and batters are no barrier to the second baseman to mention two were p90 blocked blocked consecutive empty fielder catches the ball when making batters then kill Bureau Because hitters continue to run to the base base runners must run to second base with a force that is to say the situation entered built to lift barriers can block runners or pick up the ball off the defensive first transmitted to wild handball hitter blocked due to hitters continue to run to the same barrier so that air barrier blocking situation can lift barriers blocking runners runners situation to promote third baseman second baseman two bases loaded situations similar reason BB / 9IP) walked fewer batters per nine innings pitcher on behalf of the lower ball-handling skills more WHIP (hits + walks) / innings per p90 game to make the barrier as low p90 as possible roll Flying ratio (GO / AO) bowls Bureau / fly ball hitters ball innings bureau said more ball pitcher pitcher; Anti-known fly ball pitcher defensive RF (Range Factor) = (assassination number + help kill a few) / (Defensive Rounds / 9): Manufacturing less per nine innings game fielding innings ZR (Zone Rating): imaginary fielding range for each position (balls in zone) through the circle grounder or fly ball and then falls into a round flat fly ball are counted name shortstop 'responsibility' formula within the responsibility of a few manufacturers outside the scope of responsibility Bureau manufacturing Rounds manufacture double the number killed three cases add up the total number of balls in zone except defensive players zone ratingsRules About Red Baseball Stadium field stars standard four-Lei Bao game every turn for offensive or defensive combat attack every hitter by the name of the task field hitter hit the ball home plate against the needle to start mining After base Season: 1. Division Series (Season first round) (DivisionSeries): two league teams each produced four of its style: According to Regulation 162 field season record directly into the Champions League Division 3 Division Series the first four teams wild card (WildCard) participating branches ball The first division league team performance by two of the current situation: a wild card team district championship game record to four teams twenty-two team fighting to catch good team league record array fourth team to take five second challenge third Battle system p90 produced two wins and three wins team 2, H2 "H2" is a baseball theme of young comics, If Abdullah Duration: April 25. ?aid=22 ?140277-Protect-the-weak-fe&p=173559#post173559 ?tid=120008&ds=1 x ?mod=viewthread&tid=576391&pid=591457&page=1&extra=page=1#pid591457 ?aid=293 x ?mod=viewthread&tid=45852&pid=47314&page=1&extra=page=1#pid47314 ?mod=space&uid=23294&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=76679 ?id=22462 ?mod=space&uid=1218380 ?aid=34775 ?/20/list/33,23,30,29,28,3,31,11,36,8,32,17,34,12,20&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=DESC#comments x ?aid=4897 ?id=12221 /?action-viewnews-itemid-39450 ?aid=16591 .uk/index.cgi
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发表于 2014-11-1 22:41:03 | 显示全部楼层 IP:四川资阳
本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 16:54 编辑

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发表于 2014-11-2 16:20:21 | 显示全部楼层 IP:安徽合肥

Yi Cai youth should be so defined

本帖最后由 左耳@一块洞 于 2015-8-4 16:54 编辑

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